
Tuesday, 10 March 2015

The dreaded gym

It has probably been almost exactly a year since I was last in the gym. On that day a year ago I have vivid memories of standing on an elliptical machine having a full blown panic attack or meltdown. I went home to try and sort out my head and I have been finding excuses to not go back ever since. Some of these excuses are as follows –

I’m too tired
I have no time
I feel like I am getting sick
Trying to juggle rehearsals and exercise is not a good idea
I should be spending this time with my boyfriend 
I’ve not shaved my legs (?) 
I’m too hungry
I’m already on the sofa
I should diet first and then work on my fitness
It’s too far away

Monday, 9 March 2015

From a Friend

After sending on the lineup of the guys currently chatting to me to a couple of people at work, one of my colleagues Daisy sent me back the following message and spreadsheet of her thoughts (because this is the kind of people we are!!


Friday, 6 March 2015

The Lineup

I have jumped back into dating since my break up and I am talking to as many people as possible to try and find some I'd like to go out with. So here is a lowdown on everyone with some pictures.

Tonight I am going out with Matt! Matt is 30 and works for a bicycle shop as a mechanic. He grew up in the US and Guernsey and seems really nice and friendly with a cute baby face. 

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Notes on this blog

Herein you will find tales of my dating life, my journey to get fit and general thoughts on my true love... US reality TV.

In the dating warnings tales, all names will be changed unless I am given permission to use their real name (likely!!). I will also be hunting out some pictures of celebrity likenesses to bring the stories to life. Well I can't be posting their real pictures now can I?

For all you curious types, this is me:


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